
SCACPR was established in 2021. SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) means heart arrest while CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) means heart

beating. Though conflicted, both states are harmony and indispensable. Perceiving the emotion by touching the dynamism in your bottom of t

he heart, the candle promises to present a unique scent with the combination of senses. As a boundary between real and unreal, it works to cre

ate a state that may not exist in itself. We depict an abstraction which are endowed with emotions and implications. When all things in the wo

rld are burned out, only feelings still remain, from which we release and heal ourselves.



As human are inundated with the flood of information and various public opinions, their lives are swallowed by all kinds of information like a

nightmare. In this sense, SCACPR attempts to develop an ideal scent space, in which we feel that we are not living in the crowd, but keeping

away with the times. It is indispensable that people will encounter many different changes in their lives, which more or less reflect the implica

tions of existence and other related issues. However, when we acquire and offer love, we are accompanied by some emotional changes. Perha

ps the answer appears, represented by romanticism, or avant-garde consciousness.



SCACPR expects that people can be given a scent space where they are able to release themselves, awaken the self-exploration and liberation

of nature. Only when we get closer to the truth, the so-called freedom can be expanded infinitely.







创立于2021年的香氛品牌SCACPR,品牌名来源于心脏复苏术—— SCA是心脏骤停CPR是心脏跳动的意思,两者既矛盾冲突又和谐










